Upload single and multiple files using Node.JS and Nest.JS

How to upload multiple files in Nest.js

🙋‍♂️ Shubham Verma    🗓 August 4, 2023

Upload single and multiple files using Node.JS and Nest.JS

Upload single and multiple files using Node.JS and Nest.JS

File uploads are a common feature in web applications, allowing users to share documents, images, and other media. Node.js, with its event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, is an excellent choice for handling file uploads. Nest.js, a powerful framework built on top of Node.js, provides a structured and scalable approach for building server-side applications, including file upload functionalities.

In this blog post, we will explore how to upload both single and multiple files using Node.js and Nest.js, leveraging popular libraries to streamline the process.


Before diving into the code, ensure you have the following installed:

1. Node.js: Download and install Node.js from the official website.

2. Nest.js: Install Nest.js CLI globally using npm:

3. A basic understanding of JavaScript and Nest.js concepts.

Setting up the Project

Let's begin by creating a new Nest.js project. Open your terminal and run:
Navigate into the newly created project directory:

Handling Single File Uploads

For handling file uploads, we'll use the @nestjs/platform-express module. It's a Nest.js module for handling multipart/form-data, making it easy to process file uploads.

Step 1. Install Dependencies

Step 2: Implement the File Upload Endpoint

You should have a controller 'app.controller.ts'. You need to create 2 endpoints, one for single upload and other for multiple uploads.
Let's write the codes:

Let's understand the above codes

This code defines a controller endpoint at the route /multiple with a POST HTTP method. The endpoint is designed to handle multiple file uploads.

  1. @Post('/multiple'): This is a decorator indicating that the associated method (uploadFiles) should handle HTTP POST requests to the endpoint '/multiple'.

  2. @UseInterceptors(FilesInterceptor('files')): This is another decorator, which specifies that an interceptor should be used for this method. In this case, the interceptor is FilesInterceptor, and it expects a parameter named 'files'. Interceptors in NestJS are used to process requests and responses before they reach the route handler or after they leave it.

  3. async uploadFiles(@UploadedFiles() files: Array<Express.Multer.File>): This is the method uploadFiles which is marked as async since it performs asynchronous operations. The method takes one parameter files, which is decorated with @UploadedFiles(). This decorator is used to inject uploaded files into the method. The files parameter will hold an array of Express.Multer.File objects, representing the uploaded files.

  4. The method creates a req object containing the files array and a prospectId, which is hardcoded as 1234. It is preparing the data to be sent to the appService for further processing.

  5. return await this.appService.getUrls(req);: The method awaits the response from the appService.getUrls method. It seems that this method is part of a service (appService) responsible for handling business logic and interacting with other components.

So, in summary, this code represents an API endpoint that handles POST requests to '/multiple'. The endpoint is expecting to receive files with the field name 'files', which will be processed by an interceptor (presumably to handle file uploads). The uploaded files and a hardcoded prospectId are then passed to the appService to fetch URLs (possibly related to the uploaded files).

For the second endpoint, represents an API endpoint that handles POST requests to '/single'. The endpoint is expecting to receive a single file with the field name 'file', which will be processed by an interceptor (presumably to handle file upload). The uploaded file and a hardcoded prospectId are then passed to the appService to fetch URLs (possibly related to the uploaded file).

Let's write the service to return the correct response to the user:


Let's understand the above codes

In summary, the getUrls function takes an input object uploadData containing an array of files and a prospectId, and it generates an array of URLs for each file. The URLs are constructed based on the provided prospectId, the current timestamp, and the original file names. The function then returns an object containing the array of URLs and the prospectId.


Let's understand the above codes

By using these classes, the code achieves type safety, making it easier to handle and understand the data being passed around the application. Additionally, when using an IDE or TypeScript-aware editor, developers will get type hints and autocompletions for properties of these objects, reducing the likelihood of type-related errors in the code.

Upload the files

Here are the curl URLs to use the above endpoints:


Upload single and multiple files using Node.JS and Nest.JS


Upload single and multiple files using Node.JS and Nest.JS

Upload single and multiple files using Node.JS and Nest.JS


In this blog post, we explored how to handle single and multiple file uploads using Node.js and Nest.js. We used the multer middleware to facilitate the file upload process and provided examples of creating endpoints to handle these scenarios.

Remember that file uploads require careful consideration for security and validation. In a real-world application, you should implement additional measures like file type validation, size limits, and proper error handling.

Feel free to extend this example by integrating cloud storage services like AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage for scalable and reliable file storage. Happy coding!

Related Keywords:

File upload | NestJS - A progressive Node.js framework

Handling Multiple File Uploads with NestJS

Uploading Files to a NestJS Backend

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Complete Guide To Upload Multiple Files In Node.js and Nest.js

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